Naples and the pizza

The history of pizza is the history of an art entirely Neapolitan. “L'arte di arrangiarsi” - the art of always getting along. Arose about 400 years ago from the need to satisfy hunger in a simple way, with means that are available in so many different ways on the slope of Vesuvius: flour, tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and olive oil. In addition to the original marinara with garlic, oregano and olive oil and the margherita with mozzarella and basil, a wide variety of variations are known today.

In Naples, new and “modern” ingredients are always used. A bratwurst pizza can definitely be “original Neapolitana”. Try our different creations like the Pizza Bianca (“white pizza”) – a pizza without tomato sauce. And finally, as in Naples, we never miss the pizza fritta – pizza pockets fried and then topped.

You can definitely eat pizza with a knife and fork. Neapolitans always eat pizza “a libretto”, divided into quarters and folded like a book and out of hand. On request, we look forward to serving you your pizza “a portafoglio”.

In 2017, the Neapolitan art of pizza-making was recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Baking and eating pizza is much more than a meal! With this in mind - enjoy our cultural contribution.

Photos: Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, Andrea Piacquadio

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